Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

BP1_Google Reader

Google Reader RSS Feeds 

I have found a new Web2.0 tool.  I realize that there are so many tools on the Internet that I never even heard before attending Full Sail University.  Yes, I know about blogging, but never really associated my technology skills to blogging before the ETC class.  I am excited and motivated to try this new tech feature, and realize this could also be motivating and exciting for my students too.  Another new tool that was introduced to me was Google Reader.  At first, I thought, how is this tool going to help me?  I was thinking – more stuff to read?  But, low and behold, I believe the RSS feeds that I have searched in Google Reader have already been insightful. 

                                    Image courtesy of Google Reader

For instance, I absolutely love for the educational articles located on the Internet, but did not realize they have a subscription for RSS feeds.  When I subscribed to this RSS feed, I was able to pick a handful of items that immediately caught my eye, such as, educational video tutorials, personal viewpoints on educational matters, lesson plans, and professional tidbits about any subject.  I chose this RSS feed, because I have utilized articles from in the past.  I have found an educational, insightful, and informative site, and would recommend anyone in the educational field to include this feed to there blog.

My second RSS feed that I conveniently stumbled on was Free Technology for Teachers.  What a great feed to receive free stuff.  Just glancing back on the updated feeds, the latest item was a dictionary and vocabulary study tool called Word Stash.  This particular item is a free service that provides audio pronunciation, as well as contextual examples for supporting a definition of a word.  I am always looking for technology ideas and new tools to use.  I chose this feed because of the fantastic technology ideas, the new tools that I, or my students can use, as well as the numerous free items that are available.  Teachers couldn’t ask for more. Who doesn’t like free stuff?

I think Moving at the Speed of Creativity will be a RSS feed that I will check throughout the day.  This feed is awesome. Either educators can polish up on their own technology skills, or get new and improved ideas of implementing technology lessons with their students.  Moving at the Speed of Creativity provides many technology avenues for the K-12 educators.  Just looking over this past week feeds, educators can build a personal avatar through BuiLD YouR WiLD SeLF, read great articles such as utilizing technology in the classroom, or social networking tools increase discussions in the classroom, as well as get other useful sources linked from this RSS feed.

                                   Image licensed under Creative Commons
                                            Author Wesley Fryer

K-12 Learning is a wonderful RSS feed to get insightful ideas about any core-curriculum lesson plans.  Even though the overall content isn’t necessarily technology driven, this feed is still a great location to gather ideas about any subject matter.  I chose this feed because of that reason.  I like to gather other educators take on a lesson plan and tweak it to fit my teaching style. 

My last RSS feed that I chose was ISTE Connect – Education Technology.  This feed makes connections for educators to understand how technology is implemented in the classroom, and includes additional educational technology articles.  I like this site because of the articles, and information that pertains to the ISTE educational site.  For instance, one feed was titled, “Share Your Passion: Submit a Proposal for ISTE 2011.”  This caught my eye.  I just might submit a proposal of how I utilize technology in the classroom.