Tuesday, May 3, 2011

W1_Readings- Copyright Issues

At the beginning of the Full Sail EMDT program, our instructors drilled into our heads to not use copyrighted material. Most classes required comments and snippets of someone else’s work (movies, images, or music) in our media project/assignment. All through this program I kept thinking that I was infringing on copyrighted material, and at times would even question the instructor. I was wondering how we were able to get away without infringing on copyright laws. Then when I viewed Fair Use Fairytale, the answer was right in front of me.

Viewing all of the EDM613 Media Asset Creation videos really provided an eye opener on copyright laws. Good Copy Bad Copy was an informative video about piracy around the globe. It’s a shame that filmmakers, musicians, and artists are the ones that are hit the hardest because of these issues. I am shocked that European countries do not have the same outlook about copyright/piracy as the American government. I am also saddened that the US does not have a better grip on finding these thieves that steal other artists’ work.

How can these problems be fixed? Yes, fines can be placed. Yes, those pirates can be held accountable for stealing. But, these methods appear to not work, since these issues increase every year.

The Fair Use Fairytale video is a clever example, especially using Disney material representing how fair use policies can be implemented in multimedia projects. I know using the Code of Best Practices for Fair Use will be something I will use in future media projects. I am glad that this document is easy to assessable. When I googled fair use best practices, the first website listed appears to be a beneficial site for media users. http://www.centerforsocialmedia.org/fair-use/best-practices has a code of best practices for fair use for just about any media topic.

Creative Commons has been extremely useful in my educational and professional life. Not only have I utilized Creative Commons for the EMDT graduate program, but I have also provided Creative Commons lessons to my upper grade level students. In the past, my fourth, fifth, and sixth grade learners have been taught to collect images using the standard Google site. When I was introduced to Creative Commons and copyright infringement, I tweaked my multimedia projects for students to include copyright free images. Fortunately, students learned from this lesson. My district holds a Digital Media Awards ceremony once a year, showcasing students’ technology projects. This benefit mimics the Golden Globes, and also has strict rules for project submission. When students from other classes were informed of the contest rules, many could not submit their projects, due to copyright laws. My students on the other hand included copyright free images provided from Creative Commons. Guess what? Out of four hundred submissions, two of my third grade students, and two fifth grade students placed second and third. One sixth grade student placed first in her multimedia category. Having students learn the importance of copyright rules really did pay off.

Both images are courtesy of CC


  1. AWESOME job with your students Janene. That is something definitely to be proud of, both for them and for you. You've done a great job at teaching your students the best practices that will make them ahead of their peers when they reach middle and high school.

    I remember a few years back when I was attending a podcasting workshop in my district. This was prior to me becoming the Apple guy that I am now. The site they were suggesting for background tracks was freeplaymusic.com. After using the site for a few weeks I discovered that the music wasn't so free. I trusted the people that were giving the workshop to do the background steps to give accurate information.

    It was about this lesson that taught me to try to use my own images and music before going out to find other people's work. I like you have loved being introduced to Creative Commons (.org). As we saw in one of the videos in Part 3 this week, I feel that if I post my work with a CC license and someone else can learn something from using it then my job as an educator is complete.

  2. Hello, Janene - you are so lucky to be in a place that has so much going on for students using technology. You've done an outstanding job making your students copyright-savvy creators. I, too, remember the early days in this program and the great training on copyright limitations. My students would instantly click on Google Images for any embellishment to their projects. It's been tough breaking them of that habit. I'd love to hear how you approached it with your students. I've got to put it into my Schoology course for 6th grade and also the research sessions I do with the 7th and 8th grade students when they are working on projects. Creative Commons doesn't have the selection or depth as a site like Google, so it's a bit of a tough sell with my students. The Digital Media Awards from your district sound fantastic. It certainly must give you lots of support, and folks must be wanting to know what you're doing with so many students placing in the competition. Much of the content in Good Copy Bad Copy was quite shocking. It makes you wonder why anyone would want to depend on copyrighted work for their support. Wonderful job on all your posts.

  3. Your district's Digital Media Awards sound fun and what a great example of rewarding/showcasing student work that not only respects copyright law but also utilizes/raises awareness of free/open-source resources like Creative Commons.

    Do your students then return the favor (or pay it forward) by listing their own artistic work under a Creative Commons license? :)

    The best way to build a great library of open-source media assets is to contribute to it!
