Friday, October 15, 2010

PE_3 Adobe Flash CS5- Don't Get Spooked

Don't Get Spooked

In my third Practical Experience, I experimented with Adobe Flash CS5 timeline.  I continued viewing the tutorials to guide me in the Flash application.  I added another layer for a new background and an image to my Happy Halloween .fla file.  I inserted a spooky house .jpg image on my stage.  After I converted the spooky house graphics to a movie clip, and added a new layer, I  experimented with inserting a new .png black cat file. I tried inserting this cat image, but I needed to work in photoshop in order to adjust the size.  I am not familiar enough with photoshop to change the size, (that application will be for the future).

I moved my graphics around by unselecting the pasteboard.  My pumpkin's mouth had a mind of it's own, so it looks a little distorted then the original.  I saved my file to begin working on the timeline.  The little black dots are Keyframes.  To build layers for a movie clip effect, I inserted blank Keyframes at different timeline frames.  I clicked and dragged the black dot to have my black cat appear after the Happy Halloween graphic.

Since this was the first time that I have worked in Flash, I wanted to review my newfound Flash knowledge and add the same features, but change a few things.  The recap involved adding:

  •             a background and Color to my stage.
  •       an orange button and black text.
  •       a lightning Deco Tool.
  •       a spray painted ghost.
  •       a painted brush tool mouth.
  •       a black oval tools for eyes.


I changed the Keyframes to begin after my black cat.  I also inserted a blank keyframe to have my lightning strike and ghost appear and disappear.  My last step was test my movie.  These are the results of my .fla Happy Halloween file.

                              Asplosh (Spooky House) Image courtesy of Creative Commons. Author- Phil
                                        Pump the Beat English; Cat? Acourtesy Creative Commons. Author Unknown

My intentions are to continue learning and working with Flash for Practical Experience 4, 5, and 6.  I am excited to work with this application.   

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